Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Hey Guys,

I have some good news and bad news.
The good news is my first world cup experience was amazing. Stoneham had a great course, Quebec was a beautiful city and our hotel was awesome.

On my first day of training I took a hard knuckle coming down on my hand hard. It had swollen up a fair bit, but I didnt think much of it. By the time contest day came around a snow storm had arrived, but I didnt let that effect me. I ended up winning my heat and took the third highest score for the day! I was straight through to finals. Yet finals day was full of wind and after a difficult practice I wasnt ale to put down the run I wanted. I finished in 6th place which I am really happy with!

The bad news is my hand is now in a splint, I have a fractured ring finger and the doctor suspects I have broken bone in my hand. I got an MRI this morning and am waiting on the results now. I am hoping to be back on snow in the next week to start training for Junior World cup held in Spain this March.

I'll keep you posted with my recovery!